In the first phase, the system will be implemented for the Farmsen and Billstedt workshops. In addition to the implementation of the DMS, the order also includes the connection of existing systems. The project will be implemented in an agile development process.
With PSItraffic/DMS, the in-house development of HOCHBAHN will be replaced by a proven standard solution. In addition to existing functions to ensure operations, this solution also contains new options and functions.
The digitization of the workflow across the vehicle supply to the workshops will enable HOCHBAHN to further structure its processes and significantly increase their transparency. It will also harmonize processes and optimize vehicle availability.
HOCHBAHN has been using PSItraffic/DMS since 2014 to automate the processes at its nine bus depots and has expanded this to include charging and load management for e-buses in 2019.
With four subway lines, over 250 subway vehicles, 114 bus lines, around 1,000 buses and about 1.2 million passengers daily (pre-Corona level), HOCHBAHN is Germany's second-largest local transport company.