PSI Poland will be the partner of IndustrialLab 1.0.

PSI Poland will be the partner of IndustrialLab 1.0., Managers’ Workshop which will be held from 9 to 10 October 2014 in Lódź.

Industrial Lab is the first Polish market-making business meeting of the management of production processes and parks machine manufacturers and suppliers of IT systems dedicated to the area of production and maintenance. During the two-day workshop the most important implementers on the Polish market will present their solutions to dozens of participants. Covered subjects are: ERP, MRP, MES, CMMS and other systems for the management of production processes, renovation of machinery and equipment.

PSI Poland during the workshop will present a system for planning and production management PSIpenta, and Manufacturing Execution System: PSImes. PSI is the only software company whose portfolio includes both systems for production management and MES systems.