The German logistics magazine LOGISTIK HEUTE and Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL) have been working together to select the "Best Logistics Brand" since 2016. Voting takes place across 11 categories – including the new "IT for Warehouse Management" category in 2017.
Contenders are chosen by an independent nomination committee led by Prof. Christian Kille, logistics expert at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. Brands that achieve the highest revenue in their category are included.
The "Best Logistics Brand" vote determines which brands are most highly regarded by the voters, consisting of supply chain managers, logistics managers and industry experts. A total of 29,709 valid votes were cast in 2017.
We are delighted to have been placed 3rd out of 36 brands in total, in the "IT Warehouse Management" category.
Not only does this accolade highlight our positive brand image, it also recognises our development of innovative, distinctive functions for PSIwms, which has now received an award in the "IT for Warehouse Management" category.